Monday, December 16, 2019

IoT Coco

I'm writing this post on the go to see how easy it is to upload from my tablet. My hope is that I can draw sketches from here and upload them directly to the post. This will make the illistration parts way easier.

The following idea is of an automated hot beverage dispenser. There are plenty of fancy coffee makers out there but why stop there. You can use the same tech to make almost any food or beverage that just needs hot water. 

Imagine its cold and wet outside and your just about to head home from work. You had a long day and you just want to get home and wrap your self in a blaket by a fire. With this you can just pull up your phone and say " Hey Google, make me Hot Coco in 15 minutes." Thats it, as you walk in the door theres a steamy cup of choclatety goodness waiting to see you. 

Not only is it convienent but its not limited to pre packaged mixes. You can put any powder in which also helps reduce packaging waste.

The Deep Dive

     From a very young age I've had an obsession with making things. I find that I can't help myself create solutions to almost any problem I face regardless of the fact that many of the issues are hardly worth investing in a solution. 
     This blog is meant to be nothing more then the nesting place to my relentless ideas. A mind dump of the future I can all but hope for. In turn I hope to gain interest of those who have the time to pursue some of these ideas or to collaborate with me as dive down to explore the possibilities.